使用 react hooks 搭建一个电影 App,该 demo 属于一个极简版,参考自一个外国哥们写的 《How to build a movie search app using React Hooks》,文章的核心围绕用 react hook 搭建一个电影 App 的关键步骤展开,没有多余的描述,代码可以开箱即用,欢迎食用。
1、 项目创建
npm install -g create-react-app
create-react-app <item-name>
yarn start
2、创建 components 目录
(1) 把 App.js 拉到该目录下,同时更新 index.js 下 App.js 的路径
(2) 创建 Header.js,header 组件,接收父组件传过来的标题,App-header 是 App.css 中的一个 class
import React from "react";
const Header = props => { return ( <header className="App-header"> <h2>{props.text}</h2> </header> ); };
export default Header;
(3) 创建 Movie.js,该组件用于展示父组件传过来的电影相关数据
import React from "react";
const DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE = "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTczNTI2ODUwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTU0NTIzMw@@._V1_SX300.jpg";
const Movie = ({ movie }) => { const poster = movie.Poster === "N/A" ? DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE : movie.Poster; return ( <div className="movie"> <h2>{movie.Title}</h2> <div> <img width="200" alt={`The movie titled: ${movie.Title}`} src={poster} /> </div> <p>({movie.Year})</p> </div> ); };
export default Movie;
(4) 创建 Search.js,该组件实现搜索功能,其中用到了 react 的 useState 钩子
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Search = props => { const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState("");
const handleSearchInputChanges = e => { setSearchValue(e.target.value); };
const resetInputField = () => { setSearchValue(""); };
const callSearchFunction = e => { e.preventDefault(); props.search(searchValue); resetInputField(); };
return ( <form className="search"> <input value={searchValue} onChange={handleSearchInputChanges} type="text" /> <input onClick={callSearchFunction} type="submit" value="SEARCH" /> </form> ); };
export default Search;
3、更新 App.js 文件,引用上述新组件
import React, { useReducer, useEffect } from "react"; import "../App.css"; import Header from "./Header"; import Movie from "./Movie"; import Search from "./Search";
const MOVIE_API_URL = "https://www.omdbapi.com/?s=man&apikey=4a3b711b";
const initialState = { loading: true, movies: [], errorMessage: null };
const reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case "SEARCH_MOVIES_REQUEST": return { ...state, loading: true, errorMessage: null }; case "SEARCH_MOVIES_SUCCESS": return { ...state, loading: false, movies: action.payload }; case "SEARCH_MOVIES_FAILURE": return { ...state, loading: false, errorMessage: action.error }; default: return state; } };
const App = () => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
useEffect(() => { fetch(MOVIE_API_URL) .then(response => response.json()) .then(jsonResponse => { dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_MOVIES_SUCCESS", payload: jsonResponse.Search }); }); }, []);
const search = searchValue => { dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_MOVIES_REQUEST" });
fetch(`https://www.omdbapi.com/?s=${searchValue}&apikey=4a3b711b`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(jsonResponse => { if (jsonResponse.Response === "True") { dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_MOVIES_SUCCESS", payload: jsonResponse.Search }); } else { dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_MOVIES_FAILURE", error: jsonResponse.Error }); } }); };
const { movies, errorMessage, loading } = state;
return ( <div className="App"> <Header text="REACT MOVIE APP" /> <Search search={search} /> <p className="App-intro">Sharing a few of our favourite movies</p> <div className="movies"> {loading && !errorMessage ? ( <span>loading... </span> ) : errorMessage ? ( <div className="errorMessage">{errorMessage}</div> ) : ( movies.map((movie, index) => ( <Movie key={`${index}-${movie.Title}`} movie={movie} /> )) )} </div> </div> ); };
export default App;
本文标题:React Hooks 创建电影 App